Pasque Flower

Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower: A member of the Ranunculaceae family and has several stems that rse 6-8 inches off the ground. There are one flower per stem and they range in color from dark lavender to white. This specific flower only grows on southward facing slopes and is the state flower of South Dakota. It is used to treat eye diseases such as cataracts and is found plentiful in the wild.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Arctic Terrain

 Plants that grow in the tundra contain many attributed characteristics which allow them to adapt to their harsh climate. Most of the flora found in this biome grows low to the ground to become less vulnerable to harsh tundra winds. They also have shallow roots because of the permafrost in the ground, this allows them the ability to continue to draw up moisture. Covering over one tenth of Earth's surface, Tundra's are among one of the most sensitive ecosystems in the world. Global Warming is the number one effect threatening its existence. Greenhouse gases have the ability to eliminate Arctic regions indefinitely and emit carbon stored in Arctic permafrost.

Friday, March 20, 2015

The rock ptarmigan can be found in several areas north of the Arctic Circle such as Russia, Sweden, Canada, and many others. They mainly feed on leaves, flowers, berries, and other types of vegetation. The chicks primarily feed on insects in addition to vegetation and prefer areas with brush for protection from predators. They are usually found on elevated sloped areas of the tundra and measure between 12-16 inches. They change colors several times a year due to molting but during the summer they will have spotted brown shades. The females lay 6-10 eggs at a time which take around three weeks to incubate.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Arctic Fox Hunting

The arctic fox is well adapted to living in cold environments because of deep thick fur. Its body length ranges from 46-68cm which is typically rounded to conserve body heat. Its main source of prey is lemmings, voles, ringed seal pups, fish, and seabirds. The fox raises it's young in complex underground dens and will occasionally help others raise young.

The Arctic Bumblebee

This unique type of bumblebee has unique characteristics such as dense fur to slow down heat loss. The thorax is usually black with orange-yellow edges. The bumblebee can be distinguished from its relatives with its higher abdominal temperature. The bees stay warm by moving their muscles quickly and pollinate the flora of the tundra.

Glacial Melting

The average annual temperatures are projected to rise by 3 to 7 degrees Celsius. Sea ice is expected to continue to decline significantly and Arctic land covered by snow is expected to decrease by 10-20 percent. The amount of the sun's energy reflected back to space decreases as the snow and ice melt which is leading to more intense surface warming due to the greenhouse effect. Melting of Arctic glaciers alone will have contributed to a sea level rise of about 5cm and is projected to rise to 10-90cm in this century.