Pasque Flower

Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower: A member of the Ranunculaceae family and has several stems that rse 6-8 inches off the ground. There are one flower per stem and they range in color from dark lavender to white. This specific flower only grows on southward facing slopes and is the state flower of South Dakota. It is used to treat eye diseases such as cataracts and is found plentiful in the wild.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Arctic Bumblebee

This unique type of bumblebee has unique characteristics such as dense fur to slow down heat loss. The thorax is usually black with orange-yellow edges. The bumblebee can be distinguished from its relatives with its higher abdominal temperature. The bees stay warm by moving their muscles quickly and pollinate the flora of the tundra.


  1. This is great information! Thanks!

  2. Mam thanks a lot this helped me with my project alot

  3. Hello,

    I am a Natural Science Media Researcher for a new museum in Alabama opening in 2019. I'm interested in the Arctic Bumblebee photograph pictured here. Are you the owner of this image or know the contact who is?

    That would be greatly appreciated.

  4. This helped me with a school project.
